Ativan Lorazepam: What You Need to Know

Ativan Lorazepam is a commonly prescribed medication for the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and seizures. But is there a difference between lorazepam and Ativan? Are they the same thing? In this post, we’ll break down the similarities and differences between the two, explore the possible side effects, and answer some frequently asked questions.


Lorazepam and Ativan


Ativan is the brand name for lorazepam, which is a type of benzodiazepine medication. Ativan and lorazepam are the same thing, just different names for the same medication. Medications that share the same active ingredient are often available under different brand names.


Is Lorazepam the Same as Ativan?


Yes, Lorazepam and Ativan are the same. The only difference is in the name, but the active ingredient is the same. Both drugs have the same properties and are used to treat anxiety and other related problems.


Lorazepam vs Ativan


While lorazepam and Ativan are the same, there are some differences in the way they’re made and marketed. Lorazepam is sold under different brand names while Ativan is a brand name. But again, the active ingredient is the same, just with different amounts of other ingredients.


Ativan versus Lorazepam


When it comes to Ativan versus Lorazepam, there is no difference in the medication. It’s just the brand name versus the generic name.


Ativan and Lorazepam Side Effects


Like any other medications, Ativan Lorazepam has possible side effects that you should be aware of. Commonly reported side effects include:


– Dizziness

– Drowsiness

– Blurred vision

– Muscle weakness

– Loss of coordination

– Headache

– Nausea


Can You Take Ativan and Lorazepam Together?


No, you should not take Ativan and Lorazepam together. Both are the same type of medication and can increase the risk of side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and confusion. Moreover, your doctor may not prescribe one and then another as they belong to the same family of medications.


Bottom Line


Overall, Ativan Lorazepam is used to treat anxiety and other related conditions. Although the medication may have some side effects, they are generally well-tolerated. Remember, if you have any concerns about medication effects or interactions, consult your healthcare provider.